Dorchester Poverty Action Half Year Report 2020-2021


1st November 2020

In the six months to 30th September 2020, income was £22,669.21 and expenditure £10,054.33.  Expenditure was reflected in 49 awards, including contributions to the CAB fund and purchase of Coop food vouchers.

At 30.09.2020 the balance in the bank account was £51,680.81 (30.09.2019 £32,893.34).

The income for this financial year includes items such as Gift Aid claimed on donations made in the previous year. There have also been some significant donations from Dorchester Town Council and from Poundbury Community Trust, the latter ring-fenced for the benefit of residents of Poundbury.

Expenditure in the year to date is understated as Dorchester Reclaim has only recently submitted a number of invoices, some dating back before the start of this year. This expenditure, amounting to £1,349.00, will appear in the next quarter’s accounts.

In the light of the notes above, the financial position, although not perhaps quite as robust as the headline figures would suggest, gives no cause for immediate concern.  However, we are now entering the run up to Christmas and will shortly be purchasing a substantial number of Coop food vouchers.  The wider situation facing the community cannot be ignored.  As the impact of redundancies affects incomes, the voluntary sector as a whole is anticipating a surge of demand at a time when income is likely to fall. 

Striking the right balance between panic and complacency is a challenge.  Some of DPA’s traditional supporters are themselves suffering a dramatic loss of income.  Regular monthly donations from individuals are a valuable source.  The donations page on the website has been redesigned to make online donations and creation of standing orders clearer.  Further measures will almost certainly need to be considered.

Trustees of Dorchester Poverty Action

29th October 2020

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